Thursday, December 17, 2009
nicole..24 days..SINGAPORE.
Suddenly cant get into sleep,
N suddenly tis space was calling me on..
So, go through it if u interest on it. **it's a letter**
Guess no much of u noe tat i've been worked in singapore for around shortly 2 weeks which very suddenly or GOD noes tat im lacking of $$. Soli tat din manage to mention it b4 i leave,but it's reali a suddenly called fr singapore n at d same time i was decided to visit my sis n having some holiday there.
At 1st,i was planned to spend oni not more than a week staying there but then there's a opportunity for me to earn money in a short time but might cause big problem during my working days there. Not convenience to mention here. Hahaha..
Cant get used to d ppl n d environment there on d 1st week. Since every1 dialect d oni 1 language-ENGLISH,n i nid to travel to d location of shoot by myself everyday. Opps,not forget to mention,i worked for d shooting project for jack neo there,which a movie shooting tat goin to show in cinema during CNY. The main reason tat i cant get used was bcz some different "system" they having from wat i had did b4 when i was d same position as wat im in singapore. N d starting was abit tough for me which i nid to learn how to go bac to d "original spot". Cz being a production assistant(PA) was wat i did when i was in internship n afta graduate,its oso mean a year b4 tat kind of stuff i been go through. Get wat i mean?
B4 i join in tis position,there's 7 ppl went off n tat's y i was given tis chance. Many kind of issues they went off,but mayb its tough for those 7 "new" ppl but its a MUST to go through b4 u start into tis field. N totally there are 3 PAs incl me. For d started few days,every1 looks weird n strange to me--d way they look at me,d way they communicate to me & etc. Tis cause me reali deep in stress cz im new n how its feel to me. I try to get into their circle but not tat easy ; n for sure i had my meal alone for 1st few days. N its lucky for me tat afta 3 days shoot they having a week of holiday n continue afta d holiday. So,i can hav my deep breathe n so d 1st 3 days is like a warm up for me. Within d 1st 3 days, most of them are counting on me when i'll b suddenly disapppear. Cz, d longest stay of those 7 "new" ppl was not more than 3 days. N so i break d curse n remain until d project end.
N d sad things was, i miss my flight to SG as i was goin to depart. Long story, but for sure is not my fault n i admit i was abit stupid bout tat. N instantly afta i scolded d counter staff wif an "AH MO" i had to get my new ticket on d spot which cost RM433 for oni 1 way to singapore. But i had no choice cz i nid to start work on d 2nd day. Not enuf cash wif me n damn lucky i did bring along d credit card which sub fr my father tat i wont bring along wif me usually. N so totally its cost over RM700++ for d return ticket MSIA-SG; tat's enuf for me to fly 4 times return MSIA-SG. Wif mad, i cried alone at d airport which my bro went off heading to his work, n i nid to wait for d next flight afta my original flight schedule on 7.30am to 9.30am. Keep sms n try to calm down myself + i din sleep for d day i was to depart.
At d end of d story, ppl there r nice n politely than msia. Bcum very closed wif them as u can c on my fb connection wif them. N they quite worry bout me every working day, bcz of unknown unexplain reason--i alwiz lost my direction which for sure it din happen to me in msia. N tis makes d laughter for them to me..so fish!! While its makes me a habit to stop on every junction in front of me, takes few seconds to make sure d right way i was to heading..Is damn BOREDOM bout tat. N alwiz will look bac when i got d wrong way to c any1 caught me losing my direction,cz they wil laugh n spread d news very fast~hahahaha..
Friday, December 11, 2009
~Pearlene's latest news~
Here is my latest news!! As u all know, im n0w considered running my own business. But the shop was rented by my partner..then, i do service n v split the profits.
The contract with the shop owner will be end January 2010. Then, my partner, she doesnt wanna continue to rent that shop anymore. Means, I have to find myself another way la..!! But she intend to hire me..to work at her shop,which is doing wholesale for hair,nails and beauty products!
Frankly, that wasn't my major..so i refuse to la..of cos!! (*but i havent tell her yet..she's now waiting for my answer)
So..i made a few calls..check some websites..
Then I went for interview twice..Bcos I wanna go back to where I belong..KLCC..all my customer were there..
So, i tried Nail Parlour @ KLCC..but Nail Parlour they do have 8 outlet around Malaysia..They want me to rotate at least 3 places..(Mid Valley, CapSquare and KLCC) but I wanna stay for good...
So...i rejected Nail Parlour's offer...
Then,I went to interview at Spa @Traders Hotel..and i got hired!! The offer was not bad..yet, I like the place..It was just one floor up from SkyBar @ Traders Hotel...
ps.Blackie,i shared!! as i promised!! haha XD
2010年 肖虎運程
1986 丙寅年生: 【山林之虎】 (五行屬火)
1998 戊寅年生: 【過山之虎】 (五行屬土)
1950 庚寅年生: 【出山之虎】 (五行屬木)
1962 壬寅年生: 【過林之虎】 (五行屬金)
1974 甲寅年生: 【立定之虎】 (五行屬水)
肖虎女性今年桃花仍旺,戀愛時不宜太急進,要花時間觀察對方是否適合自己,耐心可成! 至於肖虎男性今年桃花也旺,婚姻易成!有機會結識到理想物件!單身肖虎的男人今年也容易在工作上碰到心儀的物件!
女性白色有利,可佩帶圓形的飾物。 男性黃色有利,可佩帶玉石、水晶,方形的或狗、龍形之飾物。
肖虎的人今年事業欠佳,財源不通!事業難有更進一步發展機會,宜事事謹慎,錢財不借,穩定爲上策。 打工一族今年也不是幸運年,事事難順心如意,財利欠佳,不適宜調換工作,耐心忍讓!
甲寅年 (1974年生): 財運未佳,精神負擔大,不宜寄以厚望。
丙寅年 (1986年生): 無心學業,自視甚高,重錢財。
壬寅年 (1962年生): 財運仍通,凡事小心,仍有財利可得。
庚寅年 (1950年生): 注意身體健康,宜悉照料。
戊寅年 (1998年生): 大利學業,壓力大,能充分發揮自己才能。
一月份: 財利仍佳,凡謀可爲,小心即可。
二月份: 財喜雙收,防財被劫,錢財不借。
三月份: 運程順達,精神煥發,財利雙收。
四月份: 運程順暢,財利亨通。
五月份: 財利仍佳,慎防口舌是非。
六月份: 宜把握機會,謀事如願,財喜雙收。
七月份: 吉凶參半,浮沈難料,不可急進,動中生財。
八月份: 運程尚利,慎防口舌是非,守舊爲宜。
九月份: 一帆風順,諸事順調,財利大佳。
十月份: 運程有阻,小心爲上,宜靜不宜動。
十一月: 投機則利,凡事三思而後行。
十二月: 好景重來,心想事成,凡謀易遂。
住宅凶方: 坐北(丑山)向南方、坐西(申山)向東方。
住宅吉方: 坐北向南方、坐東向西方、坐南向北方。
甲寅生人: 坐東南財神方。
丙寅生人: 坐正西財神方。
戊寅生人: 坐正東財神方。
庚寅生人: 坐正東財神方。
壬寅生人: 坐正南財神方。
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My adventuruos trip
I am back safely. :) I have been to Gopeng and Cameron for a short company trip on 13th to 15th November 2009. Every each one of us are having a good time there. The trip was exciting, adventurous and fun. We had experienced the excitement of white water rafting at Gopeng (though it was abit dangerous, the water are rough and i guess u all heard about the bad news recently regard to sg. Kampar). Anyway, it was a good experince which i never forget. You should try it out one day..
Furthermore, we had a war game, paintball too, was amazing.. My colleague was injured cause by the bullet.. Whole body full with Blue black(is a souvenier for them,keke).. Lucikly, i don't have one. :P)
I am now here to share all my happy moments with the company members. Hope u all enjoy the photos and feel the happiness. :)
For more details, please refer to facebook.com :)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Mana U Mau Pergi?
Below the selection places were those who voice out in the comments. But, v need to consider on 2 matters other than budget:
I. Some of us not reali interested for beach
II. The weather -- moonsoon season go beach?oni there for sun bath,take beach photo or..?
So, please make ur final votes (only 2 votes are allowed for 2 different selection.)
**2 votes are allowed for 2 different selection**
Please vote for ur budget for the trip
Dear all,please go for the vote a.s.a.p so that v can consider on every1 budget for the trip,cz not every1 can afford the same budget.
So,pls vote for the budget u can afford which the budget is only include for the
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
....::1st Non-Birthday Gathering Cum Traveling::....
After discussion… we plan to have a short trip during this coming December....
The 1St trip after we know each others for days 3950 dasy!!
The 1st gathering without cake and candle!!
Since we need to apply leave early, so we ady fix the date between 4th Dec to 10th Dec.
About the venue, here are some suggestions,
~ langkawi
I have check the air ticket, now have promotion, but it must book before 1/11/09, and travel period is 16/11/09 to 10/1/2010. You can try to see the link below..
Another choice is using some local travel agent, (so called auntie tour) we can follow some 4day 3night trip to
So, now need yours comment and respond. Pls suggest any venue that you wish to go or give some suggestion on this plan.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Ground Floor, Federal Bowl,
Jalan Bukit Bintang,
Off Jalan Bukit Bintang,
Bukit Bintang Central,
55100 Kuala Lumpur (next to Plaza Low Yat)
DATE : OCt 12, 2009
Time: 7pm onwards
Price: RM 58++
Gals, i think da price abit exp...but dun forgt v din buy present to MOMO last year!!
so if u think tat...den will be very reasonable...wakakakaka
Kindly confirm me Ur attendance before This coming Saturday!!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Check this link OUt~~~
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
..::Pig MaMa Lost Her HP!!::..
Dearest Jit Mui,
Please provide me your contact number...
I lost my hp... (T.T)
Monday, September 14, 2009
~Dedicated to all my best Friends~ especially to ROOM12-21

First of all, I would like to say: "Thanks for being my friend"...
Thanks for organizing the “one day trip” for me and Mei Yan.. It was a remarkable day for me. I believed Mei Yan has the same feeling too. Thanks for the birthday celebration..
It is not easy to have gangz of friends who remember you, remember your birthday and your everything. A gangz of friends who share happiness and sadness. I am proud to be having “u” as my friend.
You all are my best frens ever..
A friend who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.
A friend who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
A friend who helps you up when you're down, and if they can't, they lay down beside you and listen
With Love, Ginny
Friday, September 11, 2009
Ginny & Nicole Birthday 2009
After all plan plan plan and change change change of venue.....
Finally their birthday celebration was held at Midvalley, The Gardens....
A full day trip....
Morning== Redbox, The Gardens...
The climax of the K-session......
Champagne & the Special "cake" from Neway......
The end of K-session...group photo...&...a new version of "xia yi ge tian liang".....
time is limit....hehe.....wait ya....^-^
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Dedicate to Ginny & Nicole

Dear Nicole & Ginny,
Happy 23rd BiRthday!! May all your dreams Come true and all the best In future undertaking!!
From all of us...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
**非常感激+謝謝** 大家替我和Ginny慶生!
我真的很想瘋瘋癲癲的和你們過我的生日..卻怎麼也high不起來.還有點氣自己,怎麼要給自己生日心情搞的那麼糟!! orz...
不過..昨天真的很感動..那"禮物"還真的讓我愣了一下下!!OMG~我到底該說些甚麼..不過,你們也太認真了吧!!我真的很感動..因為...怎麼說..雖然你們無法實現我的願望(說實在..我也沒那麼貪心好不好~)但你們卻以你們所能付出的去資助我的願望..就是那種雖然你們無法替我完成某些事,但你們還是會儘量協助我,付出你們的那小小的能力去支持我..真的讓我不知所措~不懂該說些甚麼才能夠完完全全詮釋出那兩個字--"謝謝".就算說一萬句謝謝也無法詮釋出我的感激..也千萬不要誤會..我昨天並沒有不喜歡這份禮物,而是對這突然而來的行動真的不知所措..之前還開玩笑的掛在嘴邊"不用禮物,錢最實際".但,當我看到這一疊"禮物"..hoho~reali OMG~are you gals joking?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
..::September 'TWINs' bday celebration - Part 2::..
Date : 31 August 2009
Time : 7.00pm
P/s : Anyone interested in Sing K at morning/noon bo???
Please reply ASAP…
I will meet you all at Night…C u There…
Monday, August 24, 2009
..::September 'TWINs' bday celebration::..
Our 'Twins' (actually totally different look n different personality)'s
She need to figure out the itinerary for us....
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
..::Sunset... But Not SAD::..

When the road you’re trudging Seems all up till
When funds are low And the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must… but don’t you quit.
Life is strange with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about, When he might have won had he stuck it out
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out-
And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems so far:
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit-
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Hey Room12-21…..
Dun Giv uP…..
Go 4 IT……
Hav a Nice Daysssss……..
Luv u Gals…..
黑仔心声 『part 4』

都应该懂第一只死的是BoB Tau Lui吧~~

他们是BoB Tau Lui 和 Dai Lik Jai...一男一女!!
因怕 Dai Lik Jai 会闷死(毕竟乌龟是合群动物嘛!!),
这次分别有Deedo, Heidi, 和 Sam Geok Jai!!
两女一男....balance一下咯!! ^^
我当然很听话的照着啊!! 可是或许太迟了!!
隔离两天后,他就跟着BoB Tau Lui去了~~T_T

在 k 房时,突然很想念他,所以一直都在看着他的video!!
虽然第二天早上,我得早起参加 Siemen慢跑, 10KM..
当发现他死了的那一刻, 我的心是多么的难受啊!!
结果我放弃了那慢跑!! 也没叫醒 MOMO 害她也没的去....

查了查!! 原来缸里所有乌龟全都有病!!
这次可惨啦....首先发现Sam Geok Jai得了肺病!!

最后就是 DeeDo 了.... 她生了一个小瘤在他的颈上!!!
治疗方法就是必须把它挤出来!! 可是如果处理不当...他就会没命!!!
如果不理它, 两星期后他也会自动身亡!!
而那几天天气特别冷!! 所以很自然的我就以为他在冬眠了!!!
可是两三天过后!! 我才发现原来....他已经死了!!!
对不起!! 我真的不想弄死他们的!! 一直以来都有养龟的习惯!!
只有这一次酱难搞!! .....我是真的很伤心的!!!
其实他们对我来说是真的很有意义!! 他们让我联想很多很多以前的回忆!!
Monday, July 20, 2009

白羊座 更新日期04.19~05.13 原来日期03.21~04.20
金牛座 更新日期05.14~06.20 原来日期04.21~05.21
双子座 更新日期06.21~07.19 原来日期05.22~06.22
巨蟹座 更新日期07.20~08.19 原来日期06.23~07.23
狮子座 更新日期08.20~09.15 原来日期07.24~08.23
处女座 更新日期09.16~10.30 原来日期08.24~09.23
天秤座 更新日期10.31~11.22 原来日期09.24~10.23
天蝎座 更新日期11.23~11.29 原来日期10.24~11.22
蛇夫座 更新日期11.30~12.17
射手座 更新日期12.18~01.18 原来日期11.23~12.21
摩羯座 更新日期01.19~02.15 原来日期12.22~01.20
水瓶座 更新日期02.16~03.11 原来日期01.21~02.19
双鱼座 更新日期03.12~04.18 原来日期02.20~03.20
蛇夫座的星群介于天蝎座和射手座之间.蛇夫座是赤道带星座之一,从地球看位于武仙座以南,天蝎座和人马座以北,银河的西侧。蛇夫座是星座中惟一一个 与另一星座-巨蛇座交接在一起的,同时,蛇夫座也是惟一一个兼跨天球赤道,银道和黄道的星座。蛇夫座既大又宽,形状长方,天球赤道正好斜穿过这个长方形。 尽管蛇夫座跨越的银河很短,但银河系中心方向就在离蛇夫座不远的人马座内。银河在这里有一块突出的部分,形成了银河最宽的一个区域。
由 于目前还不承认蛇夫座,对他的描述也比较少,而且不准确,蛇夫座其实是存在的,它介于射手座和天蝎座的性格特点之间,他拥有射手 座的激情、远见、为目标不断努力,同时直率,诚实,好夸张,同时拥有天蝎座的特点,冷静,思考,好胜,与花心的射手座和专一的天蝎座相交,是对爱情很珍惜 的星座,对爱情很有激情,一旦有了目标就容易陷入爱情,因为集合了两个星座特点,一方面喜欢比较爱好玩的星座如狮子、白羊等,另一方面向往华丽、柔弱、敏 感的星座,希望从他们身上找到真正的爱情,与射手不同会比较喜欢黏人的伴侣,但因为自己射手座的成分比较多,伤害了敏感的星座自己还不知道。蛇夫座对感情 的承受力还不错,但因为天蝎的那种内在的性格在阴暗的角落也会很难过,在记仇方面很射手座风格,记不住,但在感情上则很天蝎座,每次都很难忘记。这是一个 综合了射手与天蝎座优缺点的星座.
Know this through an email, after that i try to search on web, it really have those information...but duno izit true or not...
Friend, find out whether got any change for ur horoscope!! like the current or new 1??