Thursday, February 26, 2009
gIve Me Some Command...
Wei...HeLP me!! i'M wonDering wHich wan to Buy?!
mY Cousin bday coming Soon...
i Decide to bUY a Sleeve bUttOn to Him..
He's a chambering Student in a lawyer firm.
He act 25 years old this year..(wahaha...like seong tay)
den his company very straight and
need them dress up like a professional style...
so he need mature look..
(but act his face really look mature enuf without dress up..wahaha)
I go n survey n found this 3 i like....
The [Timer] quite cooL but
i scared it look like very childish...
The [FormaL & Mature] quite nice..
The [Logo] is actually a scale of justice...
i think it's very suitable
for lawyer or judge...
GaLs give me Some command ya....
..::BlacKie Fei cHen::..
..::bLacKie Fei cHeN::..
..::Karaoke @ Neway::..
Date : 15-02-09
Time : 7pm-11.45pm
Location : Neway,Cheras
Attendance : Joan Wan Chi, Clover Choy Yoon, Elaine Wai Ling, Rachel Xin Yee, Nicole Mei Yan, Rosanne Siin Mun
Description : It is a desired karaoke session due to a long time hunger of singing...hahaXD!!! It is a buffet dinner karaoke, we enjoying the food while listening to the songs sang by us..and we cheers with Kampai and an extra gift from Neway ( due to my bday, it is a free gift) - a so-called champagne...but we don't think it is...because it just stated there "sparkling juice"....sigh=.=

Elaine's gone about 10.30pm...(go home so early for what...???)

Mei Yan enjoying singing..."la...la...la...la......."

CY, u tak rela nak ambil gambar ar...???

Joan n Me....

Elaine looks so sleeping...pig?sleep?hahaXD

CY, ur ice-cream melted lo....liquid of ice-cream?? ><
Mei Yan, u singing or geh-bo-ing???

this is just a part of them...

so-called champagne wor....on the bill stated RM 100....tipu siapa ya??

This is very memorable for me, hey gals, thanks a lot ya...love u all^^
p.s. Actually Fei Chen wanna join us de...BUT she can't join bcos she sleep like comma...(piggy dad???)
and thanks for all the wishes...
Time : 7pm-11.45pm
Location : Neway,Cheras
Attendance : Joan Wan Chi, Clover Choy Yoon, Elaine Wai Ling, Rachel Xin Yee, Nicole Mei Yan, Rosanne Siin Mun
Description : It is a desired karaoke session due to a long time hunger of singing...hahaXD!!! It is a buffet dinner karaoke, we enjoying the food while listening to the songs sang by us..and we cheers with Kampai and an extra gift from Neway ( due to my bday, it is a free gift) - a so-called champagne...but we don't think it is...because it just stated there "sparkling juice"....sigh=.=
Elaine's gone about 10.30pm...(go home so early for what...???)
Mei Yan enjoying singing..."la...la...la...la......."
CY, u tak rela nak ambil gambar ar...???
Joan n Me....
Elaine looks so sleeping...pig?sleep?hahaXD
CY, ur ice-cream melted lo....liquid of ice-cream?? ><
Mei Yan, u singing or geh-bo-ing???
this is just a part of them...
so-called champagne wor....on the bill stated RM 100....tipu siapa ya??
This is very memorable for me, hey gals, thanks a lot ya...love u all^^
p.s. Actually Fei Chen wanna join us de...BUT she can't join bcos she sleep like comma...(piggy dad???)
and thanks for all the wishes...
..::siiN MuN::..
..::JoaN and SiiN MuN's Birthday Celebration::..
Date : 12-02-09
Time : 10pm-12.30am
Location : Gilly House
Attendance : Rosanne Siin Mun, Rachel Xin Yee, Joan Wan Chi, Clover Choy Yoon, Ginny Jye Yin, Blackie Fei Chen, Momo Yi Jun, Nicole Mei Yan..(according who's there first...hehe^^)

23 Donuts with candles..

Me n Joan cutting bday cake...

singing :''happy birthday to u ~~''

take pix with DONUTS....new frontier of bday celebration...haha^^ love it!!!

Other Pictures to share.....

Time : 10pm-12.30am
Location : Gilly House
Attendance : Rosanne Siin Mun, Rachel Xin Yee, Joan Wan Chi, Clover Choy Yoon, Ginny Jye Yin, Blackie Fei Chen, Momo Yi Jun, Nicole Mei Yan..(according who's there first...hehe^^)
23 Donuts with candles..
Me n Joan cutting bday cake...
singing :''happy birthday to u ~~''
take pix with DONUTS....new frontier of bday celebration...haha^^ love it!!!
Other Pictures to share.....
..::siiN MuN::..
..::pLeaSe vOte n coNfirM uR attendance::..
okay...basically Nw Jz leave 5 of us will stay overnite toGether...
Rosanne Siin Mun, CLover ChoY YoOn, GiNny Jye Yin,
NicOLe MeI Yan, n Me,Myself
So Lets vote da PoLL...This PoLL will be closed on todaY..
aBouT sIng k Session,
nW v Hav eLaine Foo , Rosanne Siin Mun, CLover ChoY YoOn, GiNny Jye Yin,
NicOLe MeI Yan, Joan tIong, RacHeL Xin Yee, Kar Mun n Me,Myself.
ToTaL 9 persons.. So i'LL booKed 9 PPL for tat rOom..
pLeaSe be InfoRm taT u'R sTiLL nEed to PaY for It iF u din Turn uP fOr tat dAy..
PleAse confirm wif me tat wHo waNna sHare da PreSent aLso..
We r still coNsider wat To bUy aT tHis mOment..
..:: BlacKie Fei cHeN ::..
..::bLacKie Fei cHeN::..
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