I already Book Cheras Neway
(opposite Cheras Leisure Mall) at 6.30pm
on Feb 28, 2009...
BooKing No is G14 under My Name : Fei cHen
FYI, they have no Bday Promotion
for us due to they Management has
change the Policy.
sO, i'LL in cHarGe to Buy a cAke fOr Clover....
(or u aLL waNna Donuts?)
aBout PreSent..
Mai Soh La...
wOnt dIscUss hEre of cZ...
i'LL send a sms sOon...
Clover, if U wanNa teLL us wHat u Need,
mY cOmmenT and SMS
is aLwaYS wAiTing For u..wahahahaha....
aBout SeconD roUnd...Please Confirm mE
wHo cAn sTay OvernIte and
wHo cAn sTay Late tAt Day...i tHink v'LL
fiNish sinG k aRound 10StH...
gInNY is GivIng Us a GooD SuGgestion..
bOok a HoTeL is ReaLLy waSte MonEy..
sO aNy1 Of u Guys caN bOrRow uR hOUse tO us..
dUn ForGet v NeEd PriVacy...
Cz i pLan To GamBle aNd DriNk tAt Nite...
oF cZ i'M in cHarge to Buy a cHivas(dUty Free) anD a wIne...
iF tHerE r no fRen's House cAnt bOrrOw uS,
dEn v Have tO bOok a HoTel....
HotEL MaLuRi is Da Best Choice fOr us..CheAp rAte
and Thier RoOm qUite biG...n thEre is mOre convenience tO us
iF v Plan tO gO mAmAk or suppEr...
(foR tHeir rOom raTe...pLeaSe Look For Da PictUre aT aBove)
GaLs, i ReaLly hOpe v cAn pRoceed tHis Plan....
Please ConfRim ASAP.....
bLacKie Fei cHeN