
Sunday, March 29, 2009

ܤ [bLacKie] ܤ ..::MeLawati Run::..

Wow...i TeLL u All wat....

tHis mOrNing is daMn hard fOr me to wAke Up!!
i set My aLarm at 5am...hahahaha...

u'r right!! confirm i cant waKe up rite?!
my Dad cALL me Up at 4.50am...den i sLept bacK..

2nd tiMes moRniNg CaLL is fRom mY muM...5.15am...
den mY bRothEr...5.30pm....(haha..wHoLe famiLy cHut doNg)
deN i sTiLL cAnt waKe uP!! reALLy tiRed Man...
cZ yeSt cAnt sLeep early!! 11sth i sTrat
lying on my Bed tILL 2++am only
caN sLeep loR...

Den i Know eAwei wiLL giVe me mOrnIng CaLL..
so This iS da excUte foR me to ContiNUe sLeep...hehehe

FiNaLLy eaWei CaLLed Me at 5.45am...den i WokE up!!

[-mY stuFF whicH i gET it today-]

[-Number & my tiMe-]

we sTaRt da RuN At 7.30am....i uSe 1 hOUr n 32mins to fIniSh iT!!
QuitE sLow AcTuaLLy!!! my rEcoRd lAst TimE is aRound tHis ALso..
Haiz...nT eNuf STamiNa La...must get traning!!!

[-Front-] [-BacK-]

[-ShirT & NumBer-]


k La...waNna cHarge mY baTtery Le!!!
GooD Nite..... c Ya tO9!!
oH yA~~~pleAse Give Me a CaLL at 5pm if cAn....
sCareD i Cant WaKe UP~~~