oKay!! Finally Da PoLL was Closed...
Let SeE...iF nt mistaKen,
v Hav oNLy 5 PpL cAn Join(inCLudIng myseLF)!!
sO dA tRip wiLL bE CanCeLed and
ChaNgE aNothEr pLAn...
aCtuALLy tHe mAin Purpose tO oRganIse dA tRip is
cELebRate cLoVeR's bDay!!!
(aNotHer puRpoSe iS NicOLe and Me
hOpe to dRunK oN tAT nITe)
bUt dEn nOw tOo mAny PpL cAnt jOin...
sO i'm DecIded to cHange dA pLan
--->> NeWay(sIng K)....
Dun Blame me y aM I deCided to Sing K aGAin...
cY toLd mE tAt sHe's 'mm Gau Hou' Tat nITe...
so sHe's oUr 'gg kOk'...i'LL reSpeCt hEr!!
(hahaha...sOrrY cLovEr, bAi lei SeoNg tOi tIm)
Lets SinG K at aRounD bUFfeT tiMe...
dEn i'LL bOok a HotEL or ServiCe ApaRtmEnt
(oR ANy oNe oF u aLL cAn bOrRow uR hOusE,
oF cZ uR ParEnts wOnt Be TheRe oN TAt Time LA)
tO eNjoY oUR 2nD rOund...
wAt to do aT dA hOTeL?!
hey GaLs, wE nEveR tRavEL oUtsiDE b4...
wE miSs oUt aLot oF fUn tEenAgeR
oR yOuth wiLL do...
sO LetS GaTher tOGether and Play SomE gAmes....
mAkE oUrseLve DrunK n ReLAx OursELve...
wHo agRee?! oR u aLL haVe aNotHer gOod PlaN?!
(oUr 'gg Kok' -->> cLovEr,
u R dA mOsT ImpOrTant tO
aNsWer...iF nT sAtisfied pLeaSe Let uS kNow,
Dun Jz sAy 'aS u aLL Like')
GaLs, Let mE kNow b4 tUesDay Ya....
oKaY...wAiT ur aNsWer!!
uR PaRtiCipaTe is MosT imPortaNt FoR mE...
..::bLacKie FeI cHeN::..