
Friday, July 17, 2009

..::eLaine's Bday::..


hahaha...So I'M heRe to uPloaD soMe pHoto
wHiCh we take wHiLe wE
CeLebRate eLaine @ PiG MaMa biRthDAy
to Make u aLL wHO
diDn't cOme ThaT daY jeaLous ha~~xD

1st - sHow u aLL our delicious dishes tat nite.....

izzit nice?!

2nd - oUr dRiNks (this wan make me um dum when i saw others customer drinking soft drink x_X , luckily my drink stiLL nice...worth it.....xD)

BeautifuL leH~~~~

3Rd - oUR SS pHoto xD

Not Much~~~xD

4th - celebrating~~~

Jealous leh~~~

5th - This is da sPecIaL we GiVe ELAiNE~~

LooKinG fOr nExT oUtiNg....c Ya~~

..:: ~pRettY gaL aGaiN - pArt 6~ ::..

Dearest Pretties Gals
My Day on 17.07.09….my bUffDay eVe……

Bright Days!!! Flowers Days!!!….
So happie……I received 2 bouquets of flowers in the office lerr…..
Super happie lorr….never thought got so many flowers in the same time….