Dearest Jit Mui,
Please provide me your contact number...
I lost my hp... (T.T)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
~Dedicated to all my best Friends~ especially to ROOM12-21

First of all, I would like to say: "Thanks for being my friend"...
Thanks for organizing the “one day trip” for me and Mei Yan.. It was a remarkable day for me. I believed Mei Yan has the same feeling too. Thanks for the birthday celebration..
It is not easy to have gangz of friends who remember you, remember your birthday and your everything. A gangz of friends who share happiness and sadness. I am proud to be having “u” as my friend.
You all are my best frens ever..
A friend who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.
A friend who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
A friend who helps you up when you're down, and if they can't, they lay down beside you and listen
With Love, Ginny
Ginny ~ Jye Yin
Friday, September 11, 2009
Ginny & Nicole Birthday 2009
Our Birthday gals.....born in same day, month, year....
After all plan plan plan and change change change of venue.....
Finally their birthday celebration was held at Midvalley, The Gardens....
A full day trip....
Morning== Redbox, The Gardens...
The climax of the K-session......
Champagne & the Special "cake" from Neway......
The end of K-session...group photo...&...a new version of "xia yi ge tian liang".....
The 2nd part of the day......to b continue some day...
time is limit....hehe.....wait ya....^-^
time is limit....hehe.....wait ya....^-^
^^....clover's thoughts....^^
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Dedicate to Ginny & Nicole

Dear Nicole & Ginny,
Happy 23rd BiRthday!! May all your dreams Come true and all the best In future undertaking!!
From all of us...
..::Room12-21's members::..
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
**非常感激+謝謝** 大家替我和Ginny慶生!
我真的很想瘋瘋癲癲的和你們過我的生日..卻怎麼也high不起來.還有點氣自己,怎麼要給自己生日心情搞的那麼糟!! orz...
不過..昨天真的很感動..那"禮物"還真的讓我愣了一下下!!OMG~我到底該說些甚麼..不過,你們也太認真了吧!!我真的很感動..因為...怎麼說..雖然你們無法實現我的願望(說實在..我也沒那麼貪心好不好~)但你們卻以你們所能付出的去資助我的願望..就是那種雖然你們無法替我完成某些事,但你們還是會儘量協助我,付出你們的那小小的能力去支持我..真的讓我不知所措~不懂該說些甚麼才能夠完完全全詮釋出那兩個字--"謝謝".就算說一萬句謝謝也無法詮釋出我的感激..也千萬不要誤會..我昨天並沒有不喜歡這份禮物,而是對這突然而來的行動真的不知所措..之前還開玩笑的掛在嘴邊"不用禮物,錢最實際".但,當我看到這一疊"禮物"..hoho~reali OMG~are you gals joking?
**非常感激+謝謝** 大家替我和Ginny慶生!
我真的很想瘋瘋癲癲的和你們過我的生日..卻怎麼也high不起來.還有點氣自己,怎麼要給自己生日心情搞的那麼糟!! orz...
不過..昨天真的很感動..那"禮物"還真的讓我愣了一下下!!OMG~我到底該說些甚麼..不過,你們也太認真了吧!!我真的很感動..因為...怎麼說..雖然你們無法實現我的願望(說實在..我也沒那麼貪心好不好~)但你們卻以你們所能付出的去資助我的願望..就是那種雖然你們無法替我完成某些事,但你們還是會儘量協助我,付出你們的那小小的能力去支持我..真的讓我不知所措~不懂該說些甚麼才能夠完完全全詮釋出那兩個字--"謝謝".就算說一萬句謝謝也無法詮釋出我的感激..也千萬不要誤會..我昨天並沒有不喜歡這份禮物,而是對這突然而來的行動真的不知所措..之前還開玩笑的掛在嘴邊"不用禮物,錢最實際".但,當我看到這一疊"禮物"..hoho~reali OMG~are you gals joking?
*~thank you very much ~*
You Gals reali important to me & accompany me most of my time..i do reali appreaciate it!
*very soli tat d whole passage was written in chinese cz i duno how to "meluahkan" my feelings...*
*NiCoLe mEiYaN*
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