I already Book Cheras Neway
(opposite Cheras Leisure Mall) at 6.30pm
on Feb 28, 2009...
BooKing No is G14 under My Name : Fei cHen
FYI, they have no Bday Promotion
for us due to they Management has
change the Policy.
sO, i'LL in cHarGe to Buy a cAke fOr Clover....
(or u aLL waNna Donuts?)
aBout PreSent..
Mai Soh La...
wOnt dIscUss hEre of cZ...
i'LL send a sms sOon...
Clover, if U wanNa teLL us wHat u Need,
mY cOmmenT and SMS
is aLwaYS wAiTing For u..wahahahaha....
aBout SeconD roUnd...Please Confirm mE
wHo cAn sTay OvernIte and
wHo cAn sTay Late tAt Day...i tHink v'LL
fiNish sinG k aRound 10StH...
gInNY is GivIng Us a GooD SuGgestion..
bOok a HoTeL is ReaLLy waSte MonEy..
sO aNy1 Of u Guys caN bOrRow uR hOUse tO us..
dUn ForGet v NeEd PriVacy...
Cz i pLan To GamBle aNd DriNk tAt Nite...
oF cZ i'M in cHarge to Buy a cHivas(dUty Free) anD a wIne...
iF tHerE r no fRen's House cAnt bOrrOw uS,
dEn v Have tO bOok a HoTel....
HotEL MaLuRi is Da Best Choice fOr us..CheAp rAte
and Thier RoOm qUite biG...n thEre is mOre convenience tO us
iF v Plan tO gO mAmAk or suppEr...
(foR tHeir rOom raTe...pLeaSe Look For Da PictUre aT aBove)
GaLs, i ReaLly hOpe v cAn pRoceed tHis Plan....
Please ConfRim ASAP.....
bLacKie Fei cHeN
dun worry, the plan ady confirm proceed halfway... just the 2nd round need to depends on others lor...hope them wil join...but no matter how...stil got v 3 la...
present ar...all can use,read,display n eat geh, u all oso can buy.....or..just a card that full of words....expect wallet....haha...
about the hotel, i got search yesterday, below got 2 oso in cheap rate n the venue oso not bad
u can c c n as a reference..
Swiss Inn kl--Rm 148 (at petaling street)
Agora hotel kl-- rm 118-140 (www.agorahotel.com.my)
mm...hope to c u guys there...!!
clover don book agora ya is lik a motel don worth it..the sing k im sure to go and xy will be joining us too cos she couldn on9 so i replied on behalf of her ya.. the 2nd round both of us stil into consideration cos the oth day i need to work at 10am so tt one don count me in first ya...c u all on tt day ya..byebye..:-)
Dear CHoy Yoon, u are expecting wallet or except wallet??? can you write properly r? we will misunderstd de...u know...
Ermmm for the 2nd round, i can join de...if u all want, can come to my house la..depend on u all.. Privacy should have la..my parents sleep at upstair de...downstair no1 de..Juz come la..
How many of u all coming? Juz let me know..
BlackIe,,Buy donut la...Better...:) I like it... lol..hehehe...
yaya i agree wit the donut, everyone will eat n the bday gal don need to carry her cake back if cant finish...hehehhe
wahaha...sorry ya...wrongly type la...
is EXCEPT....k..?
dont misunderstand lor...hehe...
sorry ya...i prefer cake wor...hehe....
Yeah,,, buy donut..agreed....
Choy Yoon,, u better say thank you to me..if not they will really buy you a wallet..wakaka.
BTW: what u want? do u mind to share? keke... save up our time...
i agree wif donut oso,how bout for tis year all bufday celebration v buy donut? muahahahaha~~
or u prefer ang pao?hahahaha~
hey y issit our NINJA so funny one huh...scare me n cy cos we chat have way then the NINJA sings!!!
the msg is me ya i accidentally press post witout my name...ahahaha...
oh...buy present for me waste ur time la....??
i ady told wat....all can use,read,display n eat geh, u all oso can buy ma...
ok lor, if waste time then ang pao mari lor..
I hope i can join u all...
I will finish my essay s soon s possible...
so tat i can submit on time n then i can join u all!!!
rushing rushing rushing!!!!
yuP,Joan...u'R rite?! it's really is a MotEL..
sO i'Ll cHooSe bacK HoTeL MaLuRi..
iF go GinNy's House, Hw Many Can !?
CY - angpau mari??so old fashion ar...???hahaXD
FC - i can join both de...but for me, JY's house is too far away lo...hehe^^ but very thanks tat JY can borrow her house out for gathering..im thinking about the transportation, go to kajang n back frm kajang...wondering~~~
ginny hse me ok ger... but really too far for them who dont want overnight, n i think v wil very noisy lor..wil disturb ginny's family anot??
SM- not me old fashion ar...is nicole who ask de lor..some more can save time for u all ma...
means tat u dont want overnight ar?
Choy yoon, im not saying wasted our time,,i juz mentioned save up our time.. keke... what u want lar?? bag? OK r? hehe..
Dear all, u all juz come with 1 car lo, as long as got 1 car then ma can fit in lo.. far is good ma,, then onli u gottta feeling of enjoying... if not, we wanna borrow her house?? im ok with any arrangement..
Siin Mun, my house juz 20 minutes distance onli.. very near de..u never been there leh?? come la...Lets party.. Dont scared with the word of " kajang" .hehe..
Ok la.. juz let me know la... my house door is alwz open de.. :)
sorry...tat now only i post comment gerr...i really dunno how 2 use gerr...really so 'lut lut' gerr...
i m okay for sing k but not 4 overnite...cos next morning hav class gerr...
wat u really wan?? Can me be ur buffday gift arr...heheh....
hmmm...i think v bOok for the hOtEL la...
dUn wan disturb Jye Yin la!!
i Scared v 发酒疯...
wEi, CLovEr..Please DRinK with us bUt nt DruNk tAt Day!! iF nT iT'll no fUn Jor!!!
How many wanna stay at hotel wo?? Onli few of us leh... wasted la..
u check how many will join 1st..before proceed with booking ya...
wow~21 comments..
Ginny,if v drunk n simply go our parent room den how?muahahaha...
i prefer hotel cz drunk n vomit n simply talk oso nvm ma... XD
piggy mum,i think should call u piggy grand ge la...so late oni comment....u b my bday present..?!! no n thanks lor....hehe...
Blackie,dun worry..i not think to drunk oso tat day... but y cant drunk leh?
erm...but if all of u drunk n sleep jor..me mai duno wat to do lor...
ginny, ur hse fong bin mou?? sure v very noisy ger, later disturb ur family ar...
Piggy Mum, if u ask me want u be my gift i oso dowan la...hahaXD of cos CY dowan u de...kekeke
CY, not tat i dowan stay over night, if like wat FC said,stay in Maluri Hotel, it will b fine for me, sure will have fun with u all de....^^ but if it's JY's hse, i scare later kacau her family lo....hehe
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