onCe aGianz v all gathered at Gilly's house Cafe!!
(Hey budDy,nExt Time pLease Change aNother Please ya!!)
bUt tHis TimE v R CelebRating Joan & Siin Mun's Bday!!
Although Da place is Nt spEcial(cZ v alwayS gAthering At TheRe)
but V STiLL hav A sUrpRice fOr bOth Bday gaLs...
wonDering Wat's Tat?!
HeHe...is a sPecIaL iDea From ME oF cZ....
23pCs Baby Donuts with Candle...
bEautifUL rite!?(haha..Like a 小火山)...
HopE boTh oF u reali fEel speCiaL and Like iT!!
对不起啦!! PiggY mUm....
大家是不是很赞成咧?! hehehe....
Hey,WaT's Wrong Wif u ?! 不要扮可爱抢镜头....hahaha...Kidding la!!
okay la!! cAnT tAhan Liao~~
sLeEp le..niTezzz
bLacKie Fei cHen
果然是我助手! 很快把我们的照片上载!如果我没错的话,那天好像有人带相机取得对吗?拜托那个人也赶快尚在我们的照片吧!
wahahahha....cant sleep nth to do jek !!
哦哦哦。。。我想那是SIin MUn的相机~~
weiii...Blackie...the photo that u copy from my phone leh?? upload la....Thx ya...BTW: i duno how to upload photo..keke...teach me pls....
Hei..the photo dun have me de...dun post!!!!
war...so selfish meh...haha...
the main ppl is tat 2 bday gals ma....
me oso not in the photo wat...
ya meh...How come clover not in photo?? nvm..i got all the photo..i will upload it..No worries..Siew Mei,,faster come back la...waiting for u...Then we take mOre photo ya..:)
hey clover!after i check nd found that ur photo is there..but so small la! one thing can confirm and complaint is din have my photo lo..... (maybe i bz to be photographer that day)wahahaha....
my assistant .... even i not the beauty but please upload my photo also la...
dont be so selfish k ?
hmm...i will post de...but my laptop is formatting...den tis comp got problem upload photo...i will do it when my laptop is done..dun worry ya...
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