Time : 7.00 - 10.30pm
Location : Neway Cheras & Hotel......
Attendance : Clover Choy Yoon, Blackie Fei Chen, Nicole Mei Yan, Ginny Jye Yin, Rosanne Siin Mun, Joan Wan Chi, Kar Mun, Rachel Xin Yee, Alyson Yi Jun, Elaine Wai Ling
Description : It is Clover's B-Day...The whole B-Day celebration was well-planned by Blackie....she was like the AO (Activities Organizer)...haha^^ thanks ya for all the planning...!!!
It is a great day and I'm sure everybody had fun on that night...espeacially five of us who stay in the hotel...really unforgetable...XD
Rachel Xin Yee, Kar Mun , Joan Wan Chi made themselves to follow us to the hotel and we have second round of celebration, which Blackie show her creativities again...this time, CREAM PUFF with 23 candles on it...HAPPY BIRTHDAY....Clover!!!
And World War 3 started...''CREAM WAR''..If I'm not mistaken, Blackie start the war...all of us "kena" cream EXCEPT Rachel Xin Yee...but NVRM....Xin Yee, you'll know end of this month...hahahaha....
After 12am, Kar Mun and Rachel Xin Yee went back....but Joan were still there and 6 of us was playing dice...not fair..we lose, we drink CHIVAS but Joan just having fun with Green Tea...(actually bcos she's driving...forgive u la...next time must drink 2gether de...)
Joan went back at about 1.30am....
Then, 5 of us, Rosanne Siin Mun, Clover Choy Yoon, Ginny Jye Yin, Nicole Mei Yan and Blackie Fei Chen, start our mysterous game...is a NON-SHARE-ABLE game....we will keep that as long as the other try to join us next time...wahahhaha....
Clover Choy Yoon, Hope you like what we've done...love ya!!! XOXO
And I'm glad to know more about you all...keep secret *lips sealed*
Then, we have to ask the waiter to take picture AGAIN....this time, we have to ensure ELAINE FOO is in it...!!! *sigh*
Happy Birthday to You~~~
Clover cutting cake...yummy!!!
CY, Let's take pix with cake and make a wish....
Wau!!!it's really a fun time for us...
but i m wondering wat is the NON-SHARE-ABLE game...
Haha...next time, siin mun will be our secretary! She record it so detail...Thanks Siin Mun!
Are u all agree?
Blackie, u r the best AO that i ever meet....hahahaha
siin mun, c.... i keep my promise... hehe..
wow...y start upload 2 sumthing, almost six only finish ar.....
anyway...really well done!!!! thanks very much ya......
the infor very detail...can let those who din join know about the activities tat night....
like the photo very much.....^^^
Also, looking forward to the next trip...hope next time more ppl can join us..
once again thanks for giving me an unforgettable bday....!!!
I really happy what u all have done that night...appreciate it !!!!
siin mun u shud go in for secretary job!sure u can did very well in tat job!muahahaha~
thanks for every1 who putting d effort here..
reali very "bao man" in our blog...
hoho...when get old tat time can view bac all this...kekekekekeke.. XD
yalor....take long time cos have to recall back what happen that night...a long night to go...actually many things to tell de...but just shortcut them la...hehe^^
for those who didn't turn up for the hotel de...
the NON-SHARE-ABLE game is the encouragement for u all...hahaXD
Clover,see...i said i trust u...im waiting for ur comment too...kakaka XD
siin mun, TQs for the nice pics n ur precious time but not enuf wo wan it more!!! hahaha.. where will be our nex trip at? Gals put some effort n tink of it, so tt tis blog will be a wonderful n full of pics n memories one!! Jye yin where's ur pics? ur camera got more photos on the hotel one rite? our sdyney's trip photos all thr!!! :-D waiting for em lo...
Yayaya...I m waiting for our sdyney trip's photo oso...
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