let u aLL see.....

For sure i cant geL back after i wash my Hair~~~
Wei, u aLL update Ha our bLog la!! pLEASE....
Let us Noe ur News....
Siin Mun....Please Plan a GOOD CeLebRAtion foR Xin YEE~~~
Thank YOu so much!!!!
..::bLacKie Fei cHeN::..
mmm... to keep the nice look...
then u dont wash ur hair for few days la....
until u cant tahan n got smell jor sin wash lor...
hahaha...good suggestion!!!!
It's look good!!!
I like it, if my face is not tis big, i oso will cut short short like tis...
huh !? kar mun ...u serious bo?!
ish~~~sorry lor!!! i cant tahan even one day !!
sfc..din told me u went..i wan cut my hair oso..
Ur hair Like Dragon ball...wakakakakkaka
Im the One who said the preVious wordss... hahahhaha.....
ginny, the 1st response i gav her also like wat u said....
really like a dragon ball....
erm... siin mun....,
dont worry.... v wil help u in this planning..
so ..try ur best ya!!
u purposely did this hairstyle to watch dragonball movie ar...?hahahaha
who did this for u..??aaron??
Wat DraGoN BaLL ?! 3 8.....
aiyo, MEI YAN€!!! this hair make me wait there
almost 3 hours lor!!!
how can u wait me theRE?!
i go mysELF lor.....
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